Audire at CEDIA Communicates 2016

Audire was present at CEDIA Communicates 2016 as every year in the past. Discover our report on the 3D Sound training seminar given by Dominique Rigolet at this event by clicking here.
always a good opportunity to meet clients and suppliers but also listening to new products..among them, 3 were quite impressive: the "perfect" Focal Utopia Scala Evo, the highly performing Athom GT3 HD, the technology centric Paradygm Personna 3F were the most impressive; not to forget the beautiful but performing waterfall audio Victoria Evo.
Audire was present at CEDIA Communicates 2016 as every year in the past. Discover our report on the 3D Sound training seminar given by Dominique Rigolet at this event by clicking here.
The leading European professional audiovisual integration firm, Videlio (formerly IEC), asked Audire to provide, configure and install a Trinnov audio processor for its 80-seat corporate auditorium.